EDS Leadership Summit 2023

We are looking forward to seeing familiar faces and developing new alliances at the EDS Leadership Summit, May 16 – 19 at Mirage in Las Vegas in Suite 28-051.

If you are interested in a channel partnership with Vox Power and our innovative modular and conduction cooled power supplies, please email Susan Cervenak at  susan.cervenak@vox-power.com.

Unlike traditional trade shows, EDS offers a unique opportunity for attendees to participate in four days of primarily pre-scheduled meetings in a venue dedicated to maximizing access to the com­pa­nies that make up the autho­rized man­u­fac­ture, dis­tri­b­u­tion and sale of elec­tron­ic com­po­nents.

To register for the EDS Leadership Summit and learn more about this exciting event, please follow the link provided below. We look forward to meeting you there!